With his fierce-looking countenance complemented by an outfit that would not have looked out of place in the classic 1993 film Tombstone, this rough-looking character could easily have
been a member of the mining town's outlaw Earp-hating “Cow-Boy” faction.
The turned-back brim of his hat, the laced-up bib front shirt, cartridge belt, high-top boots with spurs and spur straps are hallmarks of a classic Old West image. Even the painted studio
backdrop with its winding river and Indian tipis only enhance the quality of the subject matter.
His name, as well as actual his occupation – a scout? gunfighter? outlaw? – are unfortunately lost to the passing years. In images such as this, the details speak for themselves.
Carte de Visite Sized Tintype
2 Inches by 3 7/8 Inches
(Approx 5cm x 10cm)
Unknown Photographer
Western United States
c. 1870s