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Photographed in Cairo, Egypt possibly to commemorate the presentation of the Egypt Medal (center) and Khedive's Star (right) sometime in 1883. His Egypt Medal would bear the clasp "Tel el Kebir". He had previously seen active servcie in the Angl-Zulu War (1879) and the Transvaal War (1881-82),

For his service against the Zulu's he wears the 1877-79 South Africa Medal with the clasp "1879". The 3/60th arrived in southern Africa in time to take part in Lord Chelmsford's second invasion of Zululand, taking part in the battles of Gingindlovu and Ulundi as well in the final capture of King Cetshwayo. 

The 3/60th also saw action during the Transvaal War against the Boers,  taking part in the hard-fought actions at Laing's Nek and Ingogo River. Since the war ended in the Boer's favor no campaign medal of clasps were awarded.

In Egypt the 3/60th was part of Sir Garnet Wolseley invasion force sent to secure the Suez Canal after Urabi Pasha's rebellion against the Khedive of Egypt, The 3/60th took part in the fighting at Kassasin and the Battle of Tel el Kebir. 

In 1882 the 60th Rifles became officially known as the King's Royal Rifle Corps (KRRC).  By the time this photograph was taken this rifleman would have been a member of the 3/KRRC.

Carte de Visite

B. Fachinelli - Photographer

Cairo, Egypt

c. 1883

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