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Maude Fay 1.png
Maude Fay 2.png

Cabinet Style Photograph
Herman Bähr - Photographer
No. 2 AntonStr., Dresden, Germany
c. 1905

Tentatively identified as San Fransico born soprano Maude Fay based solely on the resemblance of this singer with known photographic portraits of Maude Fay. Further biographical information will not be posted until more identification can be made. While it is tempting to identify her character as the most famous of the Walküries - Brünnhilde - in Wagner's Die Walküre - she could be portraying one of the other eight which appear in the opera. These include besides Brünnhilde: Gerhilde, Ortlinde, Waltraute, Schwertleite,
Helmwige, Siegrune, Grimgerde and Roßweiße.

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