A series of four "uniform poses" of a cadet of the Harrow Rifle Corps was probably used as a guide by the corps in the early 1900s illustrating to new cadets what was expected of them in regards to military dress.
The first two images show the cadet fully uniformed and armed wearing the sheep's wool busby worn by most British rifle battalions. In the next two images, the same young man wears the pill-boxed shaped forage cap of the corps. The uniform was grey with dark blue facings. The letters "CC" (Cadet Corps) are visible on the shoulder strap in the second photograph. Based on the shape of the rifle's magazine it would appear that this cadet of the corps was armed with a version of the Lee-Metford Rifle.
All four photographs show glue damage caused by having been framed many years ago.
Once associated with the Westminster Rifles the unit was later made part of the Combined Cadet Corps to which it still belongs today. Many notables in British history were members at one time or another and without a doubt, the most famous of these was Winston Churchill.
All four photographs are shown below in a larger format.
Cabinet Photographs
Hills & Saunders - Photographer
Harrow, London, England
c. 1900