Captain George Vaughan Wardell of the 1st Battalion, 24th Regiment of Foot. Born in Toronto, Canada in 1840 Wardell came from what might be
considered a typical military family of the Victorian era. His father was a major who served with the 66th Foot, the 93rd Highlanders, and the Royal Canadian Rifles, while a brother, John served in the Royal Marine Light Infantry.
During the Anglo-Zulu War of 1879, Wardell commanded H Company of the 1st Battalion, 24th Foot. His company occupied a position towards the
center of the defensive line in front of Isandlwana on January 22. To his left were the two guns of N/5 RA and to his right was G Company, 1/24th
Foot commanded by Charlie Pope. It was at this section of the line that the Zulus broke through and rushed towards the British camp. Wardell's company was cut to pieces during the general British withdrawal. His body was later found along with that of Lieutenant Dyer of the 2/24th in the remains of one of the many last stands that took place in and amongst the 24th's tents.
Wardell was married to Lucy Russell. His above-mentioned brother John Charles was killed in action at Tel el Kebir, Egypt in 1882.
Carte de Visite sized mounted Photograph
Unknown Photographer
Original Photograph c. 1877. Copied c. 1880